Recipe Details
Title Sweet Potato Sesame Seed Snack
Author Teresa Dupay
Portions 10
Created 20th November 2019 09:44 am
Last Updated 20th November 2019 17:37 pm
Weight (Per Portion)

One portion of this dish weighs approximately 58.00 Grams

Recipe Ingredients
Ingredient Quantity Allergen Warnings
Potato, sweet, (kumara) raw300 Gram
Seeds, flaxseed40 Gram
Porridge Oats, Gluten Free, Organic, Suma50 Gram
Flour, rice, white80 Gram
Nuts, pecan50 Gram
Powder, baking Gluten Free Barkat1.5 Tablespoon
Seeds, sesame, dried40 Gram
Special Dietary Requirements Suitability
Allergen Warnings
Nutritional Information (Per Portion)
Nutrition %GDA Range
Energy Kcal 152
Protein 6.65%
Other Carbohydrate 9.74%
Sugar 2.25%
Fat Saturated 4.06%
Fat Unsaturated 12.94%
Fiber 12.34%
Sodium 15.69%
Salt 16.35%
Traffic Lights
Recipe Method

Recipe Method

1. Preheat oven to 160f. Line a baking tray with grease proof paper.

2. Add the cooked sweet potato (dry baked) into a large mixing bowl. Use a fork to mix in the ground flax seeds.

3. Add the ground oats, rice flour, ground pecans and baking powder to the bowl. Mix everything together with your hands until you have an even consistency. Try not to overmix.

4. Use your hands to form mix into a bun shape that are about 3/4 inch thick and 3 inches in diameter. Sprinkle on the sesame seeds to cover the top of the bun. Place the buns onto the prepared baking sheet.

5. Bake for 10 minutes, then turn the baking tray around and cook for a further 10 minutes, until golden brown.

6. Cool for 5 minutes then eat. 

7. You can store in the fridge for 5 days.