Recipe Details
Title Baked stuffed apples
Author Teresa Dupay
Portions 4
Created 16th February 2015 09:58 am
Weight (Per Portion)

One portion of this dish weighs approximately 90.00 Grams

Recipe Ingredients
Ingredient Quantity Allergen Warnings
Apples, cooking, Bramley225 Gram
Apricots, dried50 Gram
Dates, medjool75 Gram
Lemon, juice5 Gram
Nuts, walnuts2 Teaspoon
Special Dietary Requirements Suitability
Allergen Warnings
Nutritional Information (Per Portion)
Nutrition %GDA Range
Energy Kcal 104
Protein 2.59%
Other Carbohydrate 0.97%
Sugar 25.51%
Fat Saturated 0.47%
Fat Unsaturated 1.55%
Fiber 12.67%
Sodium 0.31%
Salt 0.39%
Traffic Lights
Recipe Method
1. Core the apples. Scoop out the centre of each to leave a hollow about 2.5cm in diameter. Using a sharp knife, cut a ring around the middle of the outside of each apple just into the skin. Place in a shallow, ovenproof dish and add 1cm water. 2. Mix together the coarsely chopped apricots, chopped dates, and lemon juice and use to fill the apples. 3. Cook at 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 for 40-50 minutes, until the apples are cooked through and tender when tested with a skewer. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts.