Recipe Details
Title Beautifully cheesy pasta fonduta
Author Jamie Oliver
Portions 4
Created 16th February 2015 08:41 am
Weight (Per Portion)

One portion of this dish weighs approximately 131.00 Grams

Recipe Ingredients
Ingredient Quantity Allergen Warnings
Cheese, Mascarpone2 Tablespoon
Cheese, Danish blue40 Gram
Cheese, Goats, full fat,40 Gram
Asparagus1 Small
Salt, sea1 Pinch
Pepper, black1 Pinch
Lemons, whole,1 Medium
Marjoram, dried1 Tablespoon
Oil, olive1 Tablespoon
Pasta, taglioni250 Gram
Special Dietary Requirements Suitability
Allergen Warnings
Nutritional Information (Per Portion)
Nutrition %GDA Range
Energy Kcal 372
Protein 28.26%
Other Carbohydrate 25.93%
Sugar 3.77%
Fat Saturated 30.57%
Fat Unsaturated 13.61%
Fiber 13.74%
Sodium 7.98%
Salt 8.33%
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Recipe Method
1. Place a large pan of salted boiling water on a high heat. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low. Place a large heatproof bowl over the saucepan, add the cheeses and stir until melted. Pick in most of the marjoram leaves, grate in the zest of half a lemon and stir to combine. Remove the bowl from the heat and set aside, then turn up the heat to high and add a pinch of salt. Once the water is boiling, add the pasta and cook according to pack instructions.